JBG World News is the official storyteller of the JBG Brand’s global ambitions in creating a true reciprocity-based communication platform. We are home based in the City of Sunbright, located in Morgan County Tennessee. The JBG World News will present a new diversified format and a variety of contents that will serve to achieve its stated goals to help feed and educate people about sustainable agriculture for people around the globe.
The JBG World News is designed to grow organically and serve as an online publication platform to help educate and promote all of its global endeavors, of for-profit and nonprofit projects, to include their strategic partnerships, goals and their updates on project status and progress, in real-time. JBG World News will also serve to highlight its diverse and multi-talented directors, associates, project developers, political supporters and their affiliates.
The founders of the JBG Brand have assembled a world – class group of leading thinkers in the areas of agriculture, education, green business development, environmental sustainability, green technologies, green building design, products, materials and diversified services, as well as, policy makers and government officials at all levels.
All of our multi-segmented experts will submit relevant articles that will form the foundation of the JBG World News data collection initiatives. While portions of this data will be published the initial data will be archived for use in later publications and accessible in the JBG World News on-line data repository.
The JBG World News will feature interviews with prominent City, County, State and Federal government officials who support sustainable economic development. Each team member within the JBG Brand will help create assorted updates on each of their project initiatives, to include featured articles on the local culture events, and helping to direct the collaboration which benefits all public and private sectors, in creating sustainable economic/agricultural developments.
Our on-going articles will start with the first, smart tech, agro base community development and our one of a kind laboratory, as described at Each of our general reviews of renewable energy technologies for home and business use (solar, wind, water, waste-to-energy, carbon sequestration, etc.) will be included. Each footprint component within our Neo-Urban Village will identify each of the 15 segmented destination creators and their related functions.
There will be more consumer-focused product content, as well as “advertorial” content updating readers on the scope and progress of the joint venture between and, and their short- and long-term effects, which will highlight their education and agricultural, sustainable global initiatives.
It’s vision is to grow from content, distribution to a limited demographic to the leading source of green/sustainable news, technology reviews and visionary thinking in areas of sustainable technologies, economic development and global collaborations.
The JustBeGreen World News supports and promotes the principles of JustBeGreen World, a non-profit organization. A vision of sustainable economic development and a return to social “values” and a more human way of life.
The JBG World News’s goals is to help people better understand our true connection with the mother earth upon which lives depend on for our very existence. We invite like-minded and kindred spirits to come and share in our collective visions, as we work to promote good outcomes by promoting shared visions of what can be.
This publication’s goal is to create a global distribution, which will provide educational, cultural and environmental content, sustainable technology updates and reviews, news and other valuable information to several targeted market sectors including consumers, businesses, the media and industry.
The JustBeGreen World News will also serve as a platform to bring awareness and ideas that provide sustainable choices for mankind through global development and distribution of superior quality products, technologies, materials and diversified services that comply with environmentally sound principles and sustainability. Through synergistically combining advanced renewable energy technologies, carbon sequestration methodologies and practice sound business methodologies we will provide articles that will help develop, design and implement economic development programs, globally.
Our readers will be able to follow the progress of each project to include all of the environmental products, green building materials and diversified services used from start to finish, to include sustainable economic development process and to include assorted educational initiatives that will be implemented under the JustBeGreen “Brand” throughout the world.
Initial “economic development” focus will be on creation and development of a sustainable village, with all of their, green products, materials and diversified serviced used in every phase of its development. All our agricultural initiatives that will create the global model for implementation worldwide, whereby helping to feed the world. These initiatives will create a healthier, more environmentally aware, sustainable, and socially responsible lifestyle for people and communities in both developed United States as well developing countries.
Defining the JustBeGreen World News – Content
The JBG World News will present a new diversified format and a variety of content that will serve to achieve the Journal’s stated goals. The JBG World News will serve as an online publication to educate and promote global projects, strategic partnerships, goals and updates on project status and progress.
Initial installments will feature articles on environmental culture; its movement to a sustainable economy, economic development activities and will continuously update the reader on the country’s progress in establishing sustainable agricultural initiatives.
The JustBeGreen World News will feature interviews with prominent Federal-State-County government officials who support sustainable economic development, feature bio’s on JustBeGreen’s team members and prominent officials, provide updates on project initiatives, feature articles on the local culture and the people who are the direct beneficiaries of JustBeGreen’s collaboration with the general public and private sectors in developing sustainable ecomomics.
As we keep expanding our multi segmented content and outreach campaigns, The JustBeGreen World New will expand in both its content and distribution. As our fully functioning “online” edition is developed it will help support our on-going articles.
All of our general reviews of renewable energy technologies for home and business use (solar, wind, water, waste-to-energy, carbon sequestration, etc.) will be included.
-As resources allow, The JustBeGreen World News will expand its publications to become the industry standard for objective evaluation of renewable energy technologies.
-The JustBeGreen World News will be the industry Journal for objective analysis of renewable energy technologies while analyzing “best of breed” technologies by energy sector.
-Our goal is to attract governments and/or private sector companies desirous of implementing a renewable strategy that will look to the JustBeGreen World News for an unbiased view and recommendations for implementing selected eco-neologies.
-This information will be available on a subscription and consulting basis. Free content will still be available for consumers, small businesses, etc The JBGWNl will be addressing
– Conservation of natural resources and protection of environment;
– Vast untapped potential soil and water resources, and farming systems; and the Technology revolution especially in the areas of molecular biology, biotechnology, space technology, ecology and management.
– Revolution in informatics and communication and the opportunity of linking farmers, extension workers and scientists with the national and international databases.
-The concepts of JustBeGreen World News will focus on the initiatives and projects related to the JustBeGreen Villages America project planned in Morgan County Tennessee.
-The Journal will document all stages and phases of each segmented land plan as well as each of the individual products, materials and diversified services used through the entire development.
-Proving that a sustainable economic base can work while maintaining environmental respect as well creating an agricultural” perspective, and to include the primary issues that will be addressed by these initiatives.
-All concepts and their perspectives of what the vision for global sustainability really means, will be some of the main topics that will be discussed and posted in the Journal.
-The JustBeGreen World News will become the “voice” of global Academies and will provide a forum for the discussion of regional sustainability issues.
Our on-line JustBeGreen World News will incorporate these elements such as:
- Special Reports
- Teleconferences
- E-commerce
- Weblinks
- Partner profiles Cultural
- White papers
- Video, audio & Web casts
- PDF publications
- Partner Profiles